Managed Print Services

U.S. offices could reduce annual paper use by 20% by increasing double-sided copying (duplexing).*

Optimize your processes and technology so your workers can create, store and use information more effectively. Our Managed Print Services team works with you to develop the right output/document management strategy and to provide cost-effective managed services.

Start with a strategy

Assess your infrastructure and information-management capabilities.
Managed Print Services, MPS, Ricoh, Quality Business & Top Business Solutions

Sometimes printing and other types of output fly under the radar, so you don’t know if information is reaching the people who need it when they need it. And you don’t know your true costs — hard and soft. Managed Print Services from Ricoh reveals all, starting with a look at areas such as:

  • Mobile printing
  • Output devices, people and processes
  • Copy/print service centers
  • Records management
  • Enterprise content management

Then we’ll help develop a strategy that meets your goals for creating, storing and using information onsite or in the cloud. And where outsourcing makes sense, we can help with that, too.

Centralize output management

Help safeguard information, reduce expenses and support sustainability programs.

Your employees January be printing single-sided or printing every job in color. Or they send incorrect or improperly sized files to the wrong printers. And you January not know who’s printing what and when. Costs are high and your IT staff spends too much time on device management and maintenance.

Managed Print Services gives you a single point of control to oversee and manage output:

  • Authenticate users.
  • View printers, IP addresses and status alerts.
  • Upgrade firmware and change settings.
  • Direct print to the most cost-effective devices.
  • Enforce duplex printing.
  • Default to black-and-white printing.
  • Gather data about utilization, usage patterns and more.
  • Produce standard and custom reports.
  • Track and charge back costs.
  • Organize faxes and share information quickly while helping to meet security goals
MPS, Managed Print Services, meeting, Ricoh, Quality Business & Top Business Solutions

Maximize ROI and minimize TCOP

Reach your goals sooner by bringing in output management experts.
mfp, multifunction, finisher, Ricoh, Quality Business & Top Business Solutions

With the variables of people, technology and processes, things can go south in a hurry. Perhaps an employee can․t view a critical document on a mobile device. Or you have paper records stored in several locations, and the word risk keeps coming up. Or you spend most of your day managing vendors. You’re not sure what to tackle first.

Our Managed Print Services team can help you solve these and other challenges by providing:

  • Integration and workflow expertise.
  • Best practices for output and information management.
  • Hardware and software solutions.
  • Managed print services, either onsite or offsite to meet your requirements.
  • Focus on expediting return on investment (ROI) and lowering total cost of print (TCOP).

We'll help boost your productivity while saving you money!