Non-Profit & Religious Organizations

Non-Profit Industry

Non-profit organizations are funded by donations alone, and many organizations rely on outreach programs as a means of generating these funds. In recent years some non-profits have attempted to cut expenses by migrating to online forms of communications. However, they quickly saw a drop in their readership levels, and consequently their donations. Approximately, 81% of people read their direct mail for over 1 minute, as compared to most email being read for an average of 12 seconds before being deleted. Non-profits exist based on the money which they raise, making readership crucial to survival. RISO Inkjets offer non-profit organizations the perfect solution to affordably increase their readership and fundraising through printed materials.

Riso, American Red Cross, Quality Business & Top Business Solutions
American Red Cross PDF
Riso, Communication, color, Quality Business & Top Business Solutions
Communication Color

The versatility of RISO Inkjet technology lets non-profit organizations print all of their outreach materials on one device. Yes, RISOs can print it all from envelopes and inserts to cardstock, even Tyvek wristbands. Personalize the material for each recipient with variable data and watch your readership and donations grow. RISO Inkjet technology even makes color printing an affordable option at less than 2 cents per page, a fraction of the price of color toner. Start printing in color and you․ll truly see a rise in funds, studies have shown that color generates a 34 percent faster response rate (CAP Ventures).

Religion Industry

The high level of print volume generated by religious organizations is often underestimated. The religious market is one of the largest producers of printed material in the United States. On a weekly basis connection cards, bulletins and newsletters are printed for all parishioners. In addition, there are a number of peak high-volume printing periods such as Christmas and Easter. For religious organizations paper remains the most fruitful way to generate funds, not the internet. RISO devices offer a reliable, efficient, and affordable solution for all religious print applications.

Non-profit, religious, Riso, Quality Business & Top Business Solutions
Grace Cathedral PDF
non-profit, religious, Riso, Quality Business & Top Business Solutions
Faith Based Environments
Riso, Communication, color, Quality Business & Top Business Solutions
Communication Color

During peak printing periods for religious organizations, any downtime of a machine can be devastating. Frequent paper jams and breakdowns are a commonality among traditional toner devices due to their use of heat. RISO technology, however, is always cold, flat and dry and relies on fewer moving parts. This eliminates static and paper curling, resulting in significantly fewer paper jams and breakdowns. RISO devices can also provide the religious market with the versatility to print all applications on one machine. RISO Inkjets can easily switch from printing 11×17” bulletins to 4×6” connection cards in the same time it takes to change the paper. RISOs can even print on window envelopes, cardstock and Tyvek wristbands!

And this level of versatility comes at a high speed, printing 1,000 color bulletins in under 7 minutes and 1,000 offertory envelopes in less than 15 minutes. Yes, color can be affordable with RISO Inkjet at less than 2 cents per page, a fraction of the price of color toner. Bring all those pricey outsourced jobs back in house with a RISO.

Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, CA

We'll help boost your productivity while saving you money!