Sharpdesk® Software
Scanning & Content Management | Software Applications


Sharpdesk software is an easy-to-use desktop-based, personal document management application that lets users browse, edit, search, compose, process and forward scanned and native electronic documents. It enables the creation and distribution of proposals, reports and more with the ease of drag and drop operation. Simply drag and drop your files onto Sharpdesk software․s work area and you’ll be able to browse through them in a single window. Each file type can be displayed as a thumbnail for quick visual location and identification of a document. Over 200 types of files, such as Excel, Word, PowerPoint, TIFF, JPEG and BMP, are supported. The powerful search function of Sharpdesk software lets you quickly find documents by searching full text and utilizing metadata fields including image PDF and TIF files. The full text search utility yields results in thumbnails with a summary for faster recognition of the correct file. With Sharpdesk Composer, you can combine different file types (image, PDF, MS Office files, etc) into a single document through simple drag-and-drop operation. The ‘Convert by OCR’ function on the Sharpdesk Output Zone provides the ability to convert image files and image PDFs into searchable PDFs and various MS Office file formats to edit content. An annotation function in Sharpdesk Imaging provides a range of useful editing tools, including text, labels and stamps, allowing network users to review and proofread documents without overwriting original files and eliminating the need to print hard copies. Sharpdesk software is included with the embedded Network Scanning in Sharp multifunction document systems and FO-DC series devices, allowing you to scan paper documents, forward them or even convert them into editable digital files.

IT Reference Guide

As an Information Technology professional, you are no doubt faced with a unique set of challenges that pull you in many different and often conflicting directions. For example, you are forced to do more with less—supporting disparate assets throughout the sprawling enterprise with maximum interoperability and minimal resources. Internal policies and government regulations impose strict requirements on protecting the confidentiality of your information. You also aspire to reduce the impact of your operations on the environment through reduced energy consumption and recycling.
Sharp, IT Reference Guide, Quality Business & Top Business Solutions
IT Reference Guide


  • Save time and steps, and leverage your Sharp MFP investment by providing easy-to-use scanning directly to your desktop
  • Search results with thumbnail, filename and keyword for fast and easy recognition
  • Composing makes document assembly easy
  • Compressing saves memory space and provides faster network communications
  • Administration is more efficient and IT involvement minimized with automatic device discovery and IP address synchronization to keep you productive
Sharp, Sharpdesk, scanning solution, Quality Business & Top Business Solutions
Sharpdesk Data Sheet


  • Improved user experience with updated OCR features
  • Includes support of Windows® 10 environment to support the latest Microsoft®Office file formats
  • Intuitive design with thumbnail file viewing
  • Index utilizing metadata fields and search files including TIF and image PDF to find content within an image
  • Combine, split and rotate image files for proper presentation and printing
  • Imaging editor for modifying image documents
  • Compress PDF files for improved communications bandwidth or to increase storage capacity
  • Document Composer for assembling a document from various file types and printing
  • New, more powerful and accurate OCR engine converts scanned documents into editable text with better accuracy and format retention for image text conversion
  • Simple, wizard-based client installation
  • Sharpdesk software is available in seven languages; the OCR function supports over 35 languages
  • Create personal scan profiles to add processing options like Convert by OCR to perform on-the-fly when scanning to desktop
  • Automatically discover and connect to Sharp MFPs on network for scanning to desktop
  • Tight integration with Sharp MFPs and metadata capabilities for easy and fast scanning directly to your desktop
  • Supports Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol environments where IP address is assigned to the MFP each time it is connected to the network
  • Provides peer-to-peer scanning (no server required) eliminating multiple possible points of failure
  • Secure communications (SSL) for Sharp multifunction document system setup (MX series)

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