COMPANY SURVEYCompany SurveyPlease fill out the form below. If your prefer, contact us right now.Please fill out the form below.Or, contact us now. (787) 273-9555(787) 961-9888 (787) 273-9555(787) 961-9888 Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.** All fields are required - thank you! **Company Name: *Name: *Phone:Email: *Customer ServiceHow do you feel about the level of the customer service you recently received? *How do you feel about the level of the customer service you recently received? * Please select.EXTREMELY SATISFIEDSOMEWHAT SATISFIEDNEUTRALSOMEWHAT UNSATISFIEDEXTREMELY UNSATISFIEDThe process of assisting and meeting your needs was quick and smooth. *The process of assisting and meeting your needs was quick and smooth. * Please select.STRONGLY AGREEAGREENEUTRALDISAGREESTRONG DISAGREEThe customer service representative was courteous and professional. *The customer service representative was courteous and professional. * Please select.STRONGLY AGREEAGREENO OPINIONDISAGREESTRONG DISAGREEThe customer service representative handled your call quickly. *The customer service representative handled your call quickly. * Please select.STRONGLY AGREEAGREENO OPINIONDISAGREESTRONG DISAGREEThe customer service representative was very knowledgeable. *The customer service representative was very knowledgeable. * Please select.STRONGLY AGREEAGREENO OPINIONDISAGREESTRONG DISAGREESupply shipments arrive quickly and are accurate. *Supply shipments arrive quickly and are accurate. * Please select.STRONGLY AGREEAGREENO OPINIONDISAGREESTRONG DISAGREEOur invoices are accurate and easy to understand. *Our invoices are accurate and easy to understand. * Please select.STRONGLY AGREEAGREENO OPINIONDISAGREESTRONG DISAGREESalesHow did you initially come into contact with our sales department? *How did you initially come into contact with our sales department? * Please select.You are a current customer and called us.You are a current customer and contacted us through our website.Through our manufacturer․s website.We contacted you directly.You were referred to us by a business associate.You were contacted through direct mail / email / radio / cable / other.OtherOur sales professional was courteous and responded promptly to your calls. *Our sales professional was courteous and responded promptly to your calls. * Please select.STRONGLY AGREEAGREENO OPINIONDISAGREESTRONG DISAGREEOur sales professional addressed all of your questions and concerns. *Our sales professional addressed all of your questions and concerns. * Please select.STRONGLY AGREEAGREENO OPINIONDISAGREESTRONG DISAGREEOur sales professional was very knowledgeable about our products and solutions. *Our sales professional was knowledgeable about our products and solutions. * Please select.STRONGLY AGREEAGREENO OPINIONDISAGREESTRONG DISAGREEOur sales professional continued to follow through after the sale. *Our sales professional continued to follow through after the sale. * Please select.STRONGLY AGREEAGREENO OPINIONDISAGREESTRONG DISAGREEYou would recommend your sales professional / account manager to others? *You would recommend your sales professional / account manager to others? * Please select.STRONGLY AGREEAGREENO OPINIONDISAGREESTRONG DISAGREEProduct or SolutionHow satisfied are you with the features and benefits of the product or solution? *How satisfied are you with the features and benefits of the product(s) or solution? * Please select.VERY SATISFIEDSATISFIEDNEUTRALSOMEWHAT UNSATISFIEDVERY UNSATISFIEDIf you are not satisfied with the product or solutions, please describe why.You received the adequate training that your product or solution required? *You received the adequate training that your product or solution required? * Please select.DEFINITELYPROBABLYMIGHT OR MIGHT NOTDEFINITELY NOTNEVER USEDThe service and support has been been exceptional for you after the initial sale *The service and support has been been exceptional for you after the initial sale. * Please select.STRONGLY AGREEAGREENEUTRALDISAGREESTRONGLY DISAGREEOverall, are you happy with the product or solution you received from our company? *YesNoNot SureHow likely are you to use/purchase a product or solution from us again? *How likely are you to use/purchase a product or solution from us again? * Please select.DEFINITELYPROBABLYMIGHT OR MIGHT NOTDEFINITELY NOTNEVER USEDWould you recommend our products and solutions to others? *Would you recommend our products and solutions to others? * Please select.DEFINITELYPROBABLYMIGHT OR MIGHT NOTDEFINITELY NOTN/AServiceIt is very easy to place a service request through our company website. *It is very easy to place a service request through our company website. * Please select.STRONGLY AGREEAGREENO OPINIONDISAGREESTRONGLY DISAGREEService calls are responded to quickly and efficiently. *Service calls are responded to quickly and efficiently. * Please select.STRONGLY AGREEAGREENO OPINIONDISAGREESTRONGLY DISAGREEThe equipment is fixed right the first time. *The equipment is fixed right the first time. * Please select.STRONGLY AGREEAGREENO OPINIONDISAGREESTRONGLY DISAGREEThe technicians have a great knowledge of the product *The technicians have a great knowledge of the product. * Please select.STRONGLY AGREEAGREENO OPINIONDISAGREESTRONGLY DISAGREEI feel the technician follows through on his/her commitment. *I feel the technician follows through on his/her commitment. * Please select.STRONGLY AGREEAGREENO OPINIONDISAGREESTRONGLY DISAGREEOverall SatisfactionYou find it easy to quickly get in touch with the person or department you need. *You find it easy to quickly get in touch with the person or department you need. * Please select.STRONGLY AGREEAGREENEUTRADISAGREESTRONGLY DISAGREEOur website is easy-to-use, informative and a value to you. *Our website is easy-to-use, informative and a value to you. * Please select.STRONGLY AGREEAGREENEUTRADISAGREESTRONGLY DISAGREEHAVEN'T SEEN IT!How satisfied are you with our company? *How satisfied are you with our company? * Please select.EXTREMELY SATISFIEDSOMEWHAT SATISFIEDNEUTRALSOMEWHAT UNSATISFIEDEXTREMELY UNSATISFIEDWould you recommend our company to others? *Would you recommend our company to others? * Please select.DEFINITELYPROBABLYMIGHT OR MIGHT NOTDEFINITELY NOTN/AWould you like to be contacted? *YesNoRequired Security Question: *What is 13+13? 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