Waste Gets Cut from Xerox Recycling Efforts

Prevent and Manage Waste

We produce waste-free products in waste-free facilities to help our customers reduce waste. Our aim is to design products, packaging and supplies that make efficient use of resources, minimize waste, reuse material where feasible and recycle what can’t be reused. All Xerox products contain between 0%-5% post-consumer recycled plastic content.

Xerox Supplies Recycling Program

  • The Xerox Green World Alliance collection and reuse / recycling program in partnership with our customers, results in millions of cartridges and toner containers returned for reuse or recycling each year.
  • As part of our commitment to environmentally responsible business practices, Xerox continues to make improvements to our supplies returns and recycling programs.
  • To recycle Xerox Supplies, PLEASE CLICK HERE
Enabling A Circular Economy, Go Green, Recycle, Xerox, Environment, Quality Business & Top Business Solutions
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Xerox Product Take-back and Recycling Program

  • Xerox pioneered the practice of remanufacturing, reusing and recycling of office equipment. Our machines are designed for easy disassembly and durability, contain fewer parts, and are controlled for chemical content.
  • Xerox carefully manages suppliers who provide recycling and waste disposal services. An audit process ensures that vendor practices are safe, environmentally sound, and compliant with regulations.
  • Globally, our combined returns program (equipment resale or remanufacture in conjunction with parts and consumables reuse and recycling) prevented nearly 37,000 metric tons of waste from entering landfills in 2016.
    • Our customers worldwide returned more than 4.2 million cartridges, toner containers and other used supply items in 2016, equating to 4,800 metric tons.
    • 11,000 metric tons of equipment/and parts-related waste were diverted from landfills to recycling at our U.S. Reverse Logistics Center. Globally, that volume
      rises to 37000 metric tons.
  • Additionally, Xerox collected a total of 2,057,690 lbs. of broader scope products (all Xerox® products) through customer equipment return programs in the U.S. during 2015, including 43,065 lbs. through mandated programs and 2,014,625 lbs. through voluntary programs. In 2016, 2,195,936 lbs., 388,578 lbs. through mandated programs and 1,807,358 lbs. through voluntary programs.

Packaging Take-back Service for Xerox-Branded Products

  • Whenever possible, we encourage you to recycle packaging locally as it reduces greenhouse gas emissions associated with transportation. However, if unable
    to recycle locally, we offer a packaging take-back and recycling service to our customers for Xerox-branded products, where customers pay for the return shipping and Xerox pays for the recycling. If interested in this service, please send your packaging to: Xerox Corporation, ESSO – Scrap, 6500 State Route 63, Middletown, OH 45044 , ATTN: EPEAT Packaging Returns

Waste-free Factories

  • Since the early 1990s, Xerox has maintained an internal initiative known as the Waste-Free Factory.
  • This initiative drives the global implementation of an ISO 14001-compliant environmental management system, and helps achieve a 94% recycling rate for non-hazardous materials.

Partnering to Promote Responsible Recycling of E-waste 

Xerox joined the Sustainable Electronic Recycling International coalition as a founding member of the “R2 Leader Program”. SERI is a non-profit organization devoted to advancing sustainable electronics reuse and recycling globally. R2 Leaders commit to supporting responsible and sustainable electronics repair and recycling as described in the R2 Standard. Additionally, R2 Leaders, including Xerox are taking leadership roles in projects for responsible reuse and recycling around the globe.

Xerox demonstrates leadership as an active Gold Tier participant in the EPA․s Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) Electronics Challenge. The Gold Tier is the highest level of commitment designed for organizations with industry leading, well-developed take-back systems.

  • The SMM Electronics Challenge promotes the responsible management of used electronics through the use of third-party certified recyclers in order to ensure
    maximum reuse and recycling, minimum exposure to human health and the environment, ensure the safe management of materials downstream, and require destruction of data on all used electronics.
  • Xerox sends 100% of all used electronics collected to third-party certified recyclers.
  • The safe management of used electronics is very important. We inform our customers about the benefits of certified recyclers and their options for responsibly recycling their equipment through information in the Featured Links section above and Xerox blogs.